I recently learned that I need to build an author’s platform. At first, this was a frightening thought because I’m terrible with my hands and my wife is reluctant to let me use her power tools. Fortunately, I soon learned that “platform” is used metaphorically, whatever metaphorically means Everyone and their third cousin twice removed, […]
OMG!! Is Doug Wearing A Speedo?
Inspired by America’s domination in Olympic swimming, I imagine thousands of Americans are now flocking to department stores to buy the latest in ultra-tiny, ultra-skimpy Speedo swimwear. Sales of Speedos spike following both the 2008 and 2012 games. This year, roughly 9 out of 10 gold medal swimmers wore Speedos. The lone holdouts wore either […]
Is It Time To Change Your Story?
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.” Marianne Williamson I was stuck. It was that kind of stuck common to many wanna-be entrepreneurs. You think you’re moving in the right direction, but […]
Like What You Do
We often associate friends with certain moments in our lives, special events such as a cross-country road trip or our first concert or a particularly nasty one-night tequila bender. I will always associate Lori Wellinghoff with 9/11. Lori was part of the leadership team with Local Marketing Corporation,
To The Moon. And Beyond?
I looked at the moon a few days ago during a pre-dawn walk with my dogs. Have you looked at the moon recently? I mean, really looked at it and wondered? This moon was not full, the kind of full moon that inspires artists and poets, lovers and dreamers. This moon was in the one-quarter […]
3 Reasons Why Your Kid Should Take a Gap Year
A few weeks ago, proud papa, President Barrack Obama, announced his daughter Malia had been accepted by Harvard (Like many families in a similar situation, I’d guess the Obamas sat on pins and needles waiting for
7 Steps to Becoming a Better Boss
There’s a lot of debate about whether or not we are “born to lead.” I believe people are born with certain qualities that make them better leaders, such as empathy, compassion and superior communication skills.
Human Extinction: Are You Ready?
Humans, with the exception of the Kardashians, will be extinct in as few as 100 years because the planet will be uninhabitable, according to a joint study released by the world’s leading bio-diversity experts, in
Seven & Seven: A Story
I’ve not traveled much, but I’d bet there’s no place on this rock as breathtaking as the view from twelve tee at Augusta, leading the Masters on Sunday afternoon. You feel heroic, goddamn mythical, as if the